In the past decade SFM has been many places and met many people. Our journey is a story in itself. The chronicles of our adventures have found a permanent home on our new Road Warriors blog. Check back periodically to see where we've been, where we're going, and a behind the scenes look at our filmmakers in action.

You can see some of our previous blog posts at, &


Gotta keep stuff dry on a rafting trip!

Gotta keep stuff dry on a rafting trip!

Jamin and our good friend Brett Painter. This guy rowed us and all of our gear for two full days without complaints; He's a powerhouse.

Jamin and our good friend Brett Painter. This guy rowed us and all of our gear for two full days without complaints; He's a powerhouse.

Brit and Don enjoying some coffee by the river before a hard days work. 

Brit and Don enjoying some coffee by the river before a hard days work. 

Camp on the Obed

Camp on the Obed

Haggard rafting crew after 48hrs and 30 miles of river.

Haggard rafting crew after 48hrs and 30 miles of river.

North Cascades NP 

North Cascades NP 

Our seasoned chopper pilot Tony Reese 

Our seasoned chopper pilot Tony Reese 

Don and Eric on the Nisqually Glacier at Mt. Rainier

Don and Eric on the Nisqually Glacier at Mt. Rainier

Mussels galore!

Mussels galore!

Steve Fradkin, coastal ecologist, examines mussel communities in the intertidal zone.

Steve Fradkin, coastal ecologist, examines mussel communities in the intertidal zone.

Sea stacks on the Olympic Coast

Sea stacks on the Olympic Coast

photos by Eric Rejman, Jamin Townsley, & Donald O'Brien
