After a year of quarterly trips to Wartburg TN to film at the Obed Wild and Scenic River, production has drawn to a close. While it's exciting to finally begin editing and see how our film will come together, leaving this place is bittersweet.
Breakaway Bluff overlook in Winter
We've hiked, rafted, fished, and climbed our way through the gorge's steep canyon walls. We've sat for hours and listened to the sounds of the Obed, reflecting on our much more hectic lives in the city; sometimes dreading the time when we would have to leave the solitude of this place and rush back to phone calls, emails, and traffic.
Yasmeen Fowler climbs Rumors of War on North Clear Creek
Jamin mimicking his fresh catch; a rock bass
The Obed is an amazingly beautiful place. The sheer amount of plants and animals is astounding. On our latest hike to Breakaway Bluff we saw more spiders, millipedes, and insects than I've ever seen in my life. You see few people out here, but the ones that you do, the locals, are some of the most welcoming and kind people I have ever met. They love this place, their home, in a way that few people love anything. While their names are too many to list, they and the National Park Service are an inspirational group caring for an inspirational place.
We will be back.
The Obed Wild and Scenic River film crew (Jamin Townsley, Brit Hayford, & Don O'Brien) at Breakaway Bluff
To find out more about the Obed Wild and Scenic River National Park vist